The paper is available at arXiv:1910.09037. It is accepted for publication in A&A.
Non-uniform extinction for stars
October 21, 2019
Now you can supply different extinction value for different stars in your catalogue, by specifying the column number in section 4.
New extinction interpolation scheme and corrrections
May 23, 2019
Instead of using polynominal coefficients as in the last update, we now compute grids with Av=[0., 0.5, 1., 2., 5., 10., 20] and interpolate among them.
Correct an error for AB+Vega mixed photometric systems.
Variable extinction implemented
April 24, 2019
Every spectrum used has been convlved with the extinction curve (Cardelli et al. (1989) + O'Donnell (1994) with RV=3.1.), therefore the spectral variation effect hass been considered. The non-lineararity as a function of Av amount has been also taken into account until the third order of the polynomial: Ai = a1*Av + a2*Av^2 + a3*Av^3.
February 22, 2019
Now website is changed from Python/Flask to PHP. Latest BC tables and interpolation code used now. Read more